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Poem-by Anonymous (not me, I'm posting for someone else)

I sit upon the throne that is my bed

Suffocated by pillows and a handful of stuffed animals



The time draaaaggggssssss onnnn

Fluttering eyelids

My back hurts

I can't wait for this to end

I loathe myself for wasting precious time

The average human only has 27,375 days on this earth

I just wasted one

Oops there goes another

And another

And another

The days are like grains of sand

Grains fall through my fingers without my realization

What day is it?

My body is like clay

It has molded to my throne

I pry myself up

I start to walk

I stop

I ponder my existence

Ah yes I imagine the summer

A thought...

A new summer is soon

A question *sigh*

Will we be free by then?


I didn’t acknowledge the importance of this before

I took it for granted

If only I could make time spin around and force it to bring us back

Back to when everything was normal and safe

Back to when I was fearless

I would tell time to halt

To stop.

Surely I’m being dramatic

Surely I am

But we don’t know how many will die

We don’t know how long we will be stuck

We don't know if life will be the same




That’s why it scares me.

I keep moving.

I keep walking.

I keep living

And hoping

And praying



Let this end soon.

Editor's note: This poem was written by Sophia (my now girlfriend) back when we started talking like we meant it in March of 2021. We were 15 and 16 at the time, and it was an attempt to impress me. We became a "thing" shortly thereafter. Her joyful spirit, compassionate and helpful attitude, and inner and outer beauty have proven her to be the most encouraging, validating person I've had the honor of knowing. God put her in my life to hold my hand through some of the darkest times in my life to date, and His timing was impeccable. As I returned to the House Arrest keyboard tonight with more on my heart than satire, this post caught my eye in the drafts. It's high time this uncertainty of a poem is shared with the world, if no more (for anyone other than me) than a reminder of what we didn't know.

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02 de nov. de 2022

I love you so much.

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