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adjective technical

(especially of body tissue) used for the storage of fat.

"Adipose" really doesn't have anything to do with what I'm writing about today, it's just a cool word.

I'm in the passenger seat of a box truck typing this out on my phone. I'm sure I'll wrap it up later on my computer, but I have an idea that I need to get out.

I don't know what's wrong with myself in a very literal sense. I'm scared and tired of pretending that I'm fine. It takes so much effort and energy to function sometimes, and I don't know why.

My hearing is going away.

Sometimes I zone out and can't lock back in.

My comprehension is very poor.

I'm often very tired.

I stumble over my words all the time.

I call things by what they do instead of what they're named because I can't remember what they're named.

I feel lethargic.

I don't understand.

This was saved to drafts for a few weeks.

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