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It started with my phone being taken away,

And ended with me being VERY behind :/

I'm gonna get caught up now, so let's run through some highlights by day number:

DAY 13-Nothing of interest. It's quarantine. Scratch that. My toast burned and needed to be scraped.

DAY 14-Possible start of Room Cleaning:

*a note on "Room Cleaning"*

My room was clean before I started to clean it.

It would've taken maybe an hour to straighten up my desk.

Just throwing that out there.

But a little detail Mom provided changed EVERYTHING.

"I want you to clean your closet."

I remember begging for mercy, pleading with her to reconsider, explaining on my knees that it was not as simple as she thought.

It was to no avail.

I emptied my closet, and, over the course of a few days, sorted and replaced some of the contents.

But I am far from done.

Very depressing.

My room is trashed.

However, it can be divided into 3 categories

1. Various electronic components and equipment

2. Articles of clothing from the bowels of my closet, most of them too small

3. Papers.

The electronics are mostly cannibalized RC cars, circuitry, motherboards that will never have children again, batteries that may or may not be dead, and all sorts, colors, lengths, gauges, and levels of Gordianism of wiring (I know, it's knot funny).

The articles of clothing are usually of some great sentimental value to me, be it my first clean diaper or the pajamas I got for my first Christmas. The emotions triggered by viewing these tiny thing I used to be able to fit into were so great, I likely put them in a safe, warm, protected place in my closet and forgot about them entirely.

The papers are a medley of old school writings, magazines, poetry, songs, love notes to myself, love notes to others, love notes from my secret admirer (me), and plans, scripts, and blueprints from my many amazing projects that never came to fruition.

My room is a mess. And it's gonna take a very long time to clean.

Moving on!

DAY 15-Two things of interest occurred.

1. There was a deodorant fire.

2. Dad got home.

The true account of the deodorant fire, as relayed by text to friends, runs thus:

Kk so for some reason I was in the kitchen and I had this urge to melt down some Tom's stick deodorant. I put a chunk in a small metal measuring cup and heated it over our gas stove. It melted like butter, but it gave off this delicate steam that smelled lovely. It bubbled amicably as I adjusted the heat and slooshed it around. All was merriment and gaiety until some rogue tongue of flame licked the liquid. It at once bust into a small, orange conflagration. I didn't bat an eyelash, but my mother, who was tending to other business also in the kitchen, batted all of hers. I was sent outside in socks, cup in hand. It burned for a while the color of a jack-o-lantern, until my sister procured a piece of paper with which I smothered it. I was left with little deodorant but a great story.

Luckily, no harm was done.

Anway, later on dad got home.

To my knowledge he has yet to hear this story.

Dad was tired, but in one piece.

His Friday flight had been cancelled, but he caught one at the same time today (Saturday).

DAY 16- Very, very little of interest happened. I was forced out of my bed that night by a budding ant population and slept on the couch downstairs. I was gifted 2 semi-functional electric scooters by Neighbor Boy's dad. That's about it.

DAY 17-It was a Monday. And nothing happened.

OOP that is not true.

At least I think it happened on Monday, not sure on that, but I don't have anything else to post for today so chill.




Punch line




Credit: Josh. He spent 10 minutes trying to make a good one, and his gestation was far from fruitless.

It now runs as follows:

Q: What do you call a shoe with no laces?

A: There's no punch line. There just isn't a good way to tie that joke together.

hehe Josh is awesome

DAY 18- I had Tuesday classes through videocall. They were fun, but not very productive. Neighbor Boy hung out for a while, but he started heading for home from our garage. I implored him to stay just a bit longer, I needed social interaction and he was one of my only outlets. Nothing I said could turn his gaze from his front door, until I remembered something. Neighbor Boy is very fond of my mother's baking, and Mom had some cookies in the freezer. They were frozen because our family didn't like them very much... Perhaps it's because they're made with oatmeal and we have oatmeal almost every morning for breaky. Four ingredients: Oatmeal (shocker), rasins, cinnamon, and maple syrup. See where I'm going with this? Anyway, he needed no twenty-second invitation. He scooted into my kitchen with me in tow, I got the cookies from the freezer, and let him go to town. After a few, we reassured him that nobody in our family was eating these and he was the last resort before they were thrown out. After 10 he complained of a stomachache, which he remedied with a glass of water and a final cookie. They aren't big, and he didn't get sick, but I'm sure he did not feel too dandy. That's about it for Tuesday.

Welp, that concludes my big groupyswoopyscoopy catch up. I'll try not to get behind again.

Once my room is clean, I'll be able to devote more time to this and schoolwork, because that has been a big limiting factor in my TOATBAGS (Total Online Acute Time By Added Green Seconds, for you non-me types).

Signing off for now,

You know the drill,


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