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This is the first try at day 10. It turned out to be me just ranting.

This is not comedy, do not read it if you are expecting comedy.


PASTOR, Today was pretty good, for a Monday. I got a lot more work done on my blog. Josh is helping me. Hopefully we'll get it up tomorrow. Today I woke up, ate a cow, I did not eat a cow I have no idea why I got an urge to say that. Hormones are weird. I pretty much did some school and cleaned my room some today. There were a few highlights/white outs I'd like to go over, the first being my mother's trip to Joe the Trader's. This is my accurate, unbiased account of what happened. She left Sister and I home alone with, she later revealed, expectations of us getting along and surprising her by doing the dishes or something. Not surprisingherly, the bar was not met. I got on the phone with Grandma after she left, and was politely chewing the fat when Sister started using a solid-core pink foam bat and a dense foam ball to entertain herself. She was hitting it into the kitchen, where breakables had congregated despite Jay Inslee's remarks today. I warned her kindly to not do it, but she continued to do it. I warned her again not to do it, gently, lovingly, she still kept doing it. So I told her if she didn't stop I would take her ball away (leaving an angry 8yo Sister with a baseball bat and no witnesses, maybe it's a good thing that didn't go through). She proceed to throw a fit and try to call mom, who was likely driving, to inform her that I said I would take her ball away. After spending 5 minutes trying to get mom's number right, Grandma asked me if she could have a talk with her. I put my cell phone on speaker and set it down in the living room next to her with strict instructions to not touch my phone. After not listening to Grandma's logic for a minute, she picked up my phone and deposited it in front of me on the counter with Grandma still talking, unaware that Sister was walking away from the phone. After 10 more minutes she succeed in getting mom's number out of our home phone and dialed, despite my not fearful but sensible suggestion to not bother her. After she found out our home phone didn't work, I informed her that I'd unplugged the internet to the phone system. My logic for this was not wanting to bother mom with a petty argument, but upon her discovery I plugged it back in to pacify her after she started crying. She then called mom. Grandma had heard all the proceedings, and thought I was entirely justified, as I was. After Sister made her voice high and victimized herself to Mom over the phone, Mom did not agree. Sister handed me the home phone with the order that Mom demanded I get off the phone with Grandma. I had Mom on my left ear and Grandma on my right, I was stuck between a misinformed and a sympathetic place. Then they both started talking, that's where things got really complex. Mom was fussing me out for being a bully, Grandma was explaining how it was rude for Sister to interrupt me while I was trying to talk on the phone with her. I was stuck in the middle, my mind racing to insert "yeah" "okay" and "right" when it was appropriate in both conversations. Then came a time when mom told me to do something and Grandma said something that required a "no", I knew I was beat. I informed both party lines that I was talking to two people at once and things worked themselves out. Mom gave orders for us both to go to our rooms, which I passed on to Sister, who then got out her violin, went to her room, and started practicing, which she knows is one of the things I sometimes cannot bear. She's come a long way, but it's still not entirely beautiful. I got off the phone with Mom, finished my conversation with grandma I got off the phone with mom and was by this time very, very mad. I started to yell something about not talking to or about me at Sister, thought better of it, muted my call with Grandma, and yelled. Nothing else happened until Mom came home, I got off the phone with Grandma and almost finished cleaning my room. Mom came home mad. I spent a while singing along to Fall Out Boy and working on my vibrato, then I went downstairs. The tensions hadn't dropped, Sister had been explaining to Mom her victimization-saturated account of events. Wanting to give my side, even though the damage was already done and I was fighting a losing battle, I mentioned sharing my views. To take away more credibility, Sister said something to the effect of "oh sure, you liar", and we got into another argument about how she never gets punished for hitting or kicking me in anger, she brought up that I have a high pain tolerance, and have asked her before to punch me as hard as she could. I cited that it was different when she was actually angry, because she daily intrudes my social distance and literally lays on top of me or hits in anger. After Sister brought up an invalid point about how I trip her when we are playing, Mom took to that as awful! After more boring details I was sent back upstairs for an hour. This is why I am angry. Nobody heard my side, and the only sympathizer lives 2,000 miles away. Very, very frustrating. I am often not listened to, it seems. If I had an ounce of authority over my seven years younger sister, things might have gone better. But Mom insists on making things fair and equal. So my hands are tied. I won't even start on how she tattles "Mom, if Trevor was doing something bad that you should know about should I tell you?" Playing games on my phone in the hallway past bedtime is absolutely none of her business, though to be fair Mom didn't punish me for it. This was, without question, her well masked intent. Honestly things would be better if dad weren't sick. Sister needs someone to cut through all the crap she puts up, and dad can't right now. He's fighting stage 4 prostate cancer, message me for more details. Please, even if you're not a praying person, pray. It's the least you can do. So I'm trapped. With two girls who are teamed up against me. And Mom wonders why I'd rather be on my phone than interact with my family. New rule: no phone in my room or the bathroom, ever. If I want to escape the drama of my house, I need to go outside. If you wonder why I take long bike rides, it gives me a sense of freedom and accomplishment. Usually I'd rather be alone than around my family, and that's the sad truth. But enough about that. This is comedy. You know what? Forget this. I'm gonna do a separate post for the humor. Because this is who I am and the demons I wrestle with, like it or not.

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