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So like I'm doing this thing.


Youth With A Mission

Technically wouldn't it be YWM? I don't think words under four letters make it into acronyms.

It's called a discipleship training school, or DTS for short.

I'll be going to Bellingham, WA on September 26th, and I'll be leaving to somewhere overseas at the beginning of December.

I'll be back in April.

While I'm gone (as long as I have internet) I'm going to try to chronicle my adventures. It may vary in regularity, however if there are interesting happenings I'll do my best to write them down.

Somewhere on this page there should be a button to subscribe to my email list. If you want to follow it and be notified when I post things, be my guest.

Lastly, this website is a blog I set up during Covid that started out as young Trevor writing satire and got deeper as time passed. Any posts dated before this one are blog posts that will have nothing to do with ywam, but you're still more than welcome to peruse them.


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