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PASTOR, Today was a good day, overall. The highlight is the launch of my blog site, which you will now read my articles on. I used to write for an audience of One, now I'm sharing with more people to get rich, famous and ucci G. Speaking of which, can you do me a favor and subscribe to receive emails when I put out a new article every day? If you're feeling super adventurous, you can even sign in with Google or Facebook, and if you want to put Christopher Columbus to shame, submit an article or something, the guidelines to which you can find in the "Submissions" article I posted. But enough on that for now. I'm thinking about posting, in addition to an article, a song every day. This song would be a parody related to quarantine that I or someone working with me write and cover. Would you, PASTOR or reader, listen? It would not be the best quality, but it would be well written and sung. Anyway, Today I half woke up at I don't even know what time and dozed for a while before getting up at 11:15 to retrieve my phone from the hallway. I called my carrier to temporarily fix a recurring issue with my texts, got up, and had...I think it was one and a half crepes but that could've been yesterday. My mind is slowly atrophying, but with all my activity I'm getting I can notice a significant growth in arm and leg size, which was long overdue. I also need a haircut, maybe I'll do it myself tomorrow, not like it matters if I mess up lol. At noon today, I had a oom Z video call for one of my classes. It felt very unproductive, but I do appreciate my teacher's effort to keep things both together and regular like Grandpa mixing the perfect amount of prune juice. Honestly so much of today was devoted to my blog, I didn't get much done. I talked to Dad, he seemed to be doing ok. He's coming  home on Friday, I hope quarantine will become more tolerable with his presence. I credit his DNA as the source of my sense of humor, but it's never been easy to make him laugh. All my childhood I've striven to make him even smile with these great jokes that kids have submitted to various magazines I am subscribed to. I'll give you an actual example from an issue I got today:

Q: Who was the first pigeon president?

wsA: George Squawk-ington. But for some reason he doesn't find these funny at all! One of the hardest times I've seen him laugh recently was a few months ago when an onion fell off of my fork at dinner (context: I was trying to have a serious conversation with Mom about something, I don't remember what it was, but I was a little upset. I had an onion just barely perched on the end of my fork, and I was gesturing with it lightly as I logically ran through points. For a full minute or more it sat there, hardly attached at all and swinging about wildly as I talked, about to fall of at any second, or so it seemed. Finally, there was a break in the conversation, and I went to put said onion slice in my mouth. It was at this moment, after being whipped about for so long, the onion bit decided "forget this, I'm outta here" and leapt gracefully into my lap. Dad had been solely focused on the onion, and this latest development was, as he described to us in great color and personification of inanimate vegetable, hilarious.). It's always been a goal of mine to make him laugh. Always. Honestly I think I'm gonna end up writing about my dad a lot, he's the person I most look up to. I'm happy he's coming home soon. The rest of my day went without many objects of interest, so now I'll take a bit of time to describe Neighbor Boy. Neighbor Boy is two grades below me, the second youngest of a family with 5 boys. When I first met Neighbor Boy probably just short of 3 years ago, he was surprisingly a lot younger than he is now. He was addicted to video games, very non athletic, and a regular, all-around couch potato. His physique, since then, has much improved. One of the key factors in this was his parent's decision to remove all videogame equipment from the family dynamic. Since that blessed day, he's much easier to get outside to do active things. He's fire on his mountain bike at the skate park, on wet mountain bike trails...he is water. A self claimed innate ability of Neighbor Boy is to crash fluidly and not get hurt. With how much practice he's had, he's an expert. He is a prodigy on the piano and very good at Brothers Smash. He has been by my side on most of my projects, and I count him among my best friends. I'll ask him to write an article sometime.

Moving on! Welp, I'm gonna sign off for now.

You know the drill,


P.S. I still don't have a punchline. Anyone? Please?

P.P.S. These make MUCH more sense when read in chronological order.

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