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I have not updated HOUSE ARREST in 53 days.

Now I'm gonna try to catch up.

Today would be day 73.

Because of how behind I am, I will write a short article that touches on key things that happened in my life in the interim.

Sit tight, here we go.

Early April: School is cancelled and online for the rest of the year, in case you didn't already know.

April 14: MY BIRTHDAY!!!

At this point I got distracted and returned on June 7th.

April 14th was my birthday. It was a bit depressing at first, because the fam had to go into Portland all morning. They got home, but dad was feeling bad so we didn't do much. Later on in the day, a family friend family surprised me with a cake and a knitted hat, which covered the maturing bush on top of my head quite well. When I say my hair was bad, I mean it was BAD and getting worse. They came and chatted and hung out, then Youth Pastor et Fiance stopped by, Neighbor Boy and I went down to the bike jump, and the family friend family left.

At this point I got distracted again until October 22nd

Anyway, as I was saying, I had a birthday.


It's high time to get this airplane off of the ground again

Unless I get distracted again...

You know the drill


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