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The end of House Arrest as we Know it/And now, back to our scheduled programming...


I have had a busy, full summer. I was distracted with other things in my life. Now I'm going to settle back in to posting on here. My long-stopped-up creative juices (apple, not from concentrate to be specific) I shall massage back to life. While I'm not aiming to post on here every day, I'll try to keep all of my two loyal followers updated on my life.

What happened while I was silent? I'm glad I asked.

April 14th - My 16th birthday, as mentioned in THE INTERIM. It was good, but Covid birthdays aren't always the best. Mine was just dandy, though I don't remember what I got. Cash, maybe? It's not that important, and it's likely gone now. That was so long ago, just over six months now. I'm almost 17. That's crazy. I have yet to do so much. I don't have a job (reference the bio/short blurb on the home page), I don't have a car or my permit, let alone my license, I don't have a finance (while we attend a fairly average small town community church, marriage seems to occur at a young age in the congregation.) And I don't even have a gun. Maybe that's not a bad thing, as I had a negligent discharge of my BB gun in my room today. No harm done, but now there's a pellet and a copper BB embedded in my ceiling (I had both loaded up or stuck in the barrel or something). Now I'll double-check the safety before squeezing the trigger of a loaded gun. Mom, of you're reading this, everything is okay. I won't let it happen again, no need for alarm. It's the only time I've ever accidentally shot it, and it will remain a sole outlier from my normal intentional shooting.

What else is new in my life?

I haven't biked for maybe a month? Idk. It's been a long time. I had an accident that has me in no hurry to fix my bike and begin riding again. For your viewing pleasure, I'll place the video here:

Watch it as many times as you want. If you laughed, I'm not surprised. It was my own stupidity that could have seriously injured me. I'll give you some explanation as to the sequence of events that led up to the incident.

Our church has reopened to some small degree with the occasional outdoor service and Sunday schools for middleschoolers and highschoolers every week. Another option for some is to go and watch the service at the church, live. This is what I was aiming for as I set out one bright, fresh Sunday morning on my bicycle. It's some 6 miles and change to my church in the country, and when in top condition I can bike there in under half an hour. I wasn't in top condition, as my sedentary lifestyle due to online school had begun to catch up with me. I was trying to make it there by 10:30, when it started, but alas, I was going to be late. I became even more delayed when, out of the blue, my aluminum stallion let me down. I was riding on a 3-mile straight stretch of road

And this is where this post left off. The story continues to say that my bike chain broke, I fixed it, but trying to ride out of my youth pastor's truck it slipped again hence that video^^^

As I return to this over a year later, my blog very obviously and noncommittally is headed in a different direction. It's becoming an emotional crutch because most of my friends are asleep after I get home from work. These days I don't have time to write satire. I might return to it as I please.

Here's the best I can do: If it's satire, I'll put the House Arrest logo as the cover image. If it's not, then it'll have a different cover image. I might make those posts funny, but they're more of a raw life thing than House Arrest was ever designed to be. I'll be updating this website shortly. The name and the logo will not change, but the description, etc. will become more relevant. I'll also write a post called "Legacy House Arrest" or something where I include screenshots of the old description, etc. Thanks for riding along, and we'll see where this goes. Peace.

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