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PASTOR, It is late and I am tired so I will try to keep this short. We all know that it's not gonna be short, but I'm gonna make futile efforts to limit its size. Here we go! THURSday was good. Not great, but not terrible either. I slept in. Very late. Well past noon, if my memory serves me. I got up and ate oatmeal. I ran over and got Neighbor Boy to go for a walk out to The Tree in the middle of The Big field. Neighbor Boy came over to the garage. I then tried to obtain permission to leave. No dice. At Mom's direction I had an extremely productive and focused hour cleaning my room in which a lot was done, cleaned, organized, and closeted (censors). I then ran over to Neighbor Boy's with the permission to leave. He was gaming on his computer. I watched him for a while, then we hooked up the controller he had to Shellshockers. I'd been wanting to try this for a while. Then he had to go help his Mom for a while, and I hung out with Little Neighbor Boy. He's not little, that sounds degrading and >hrm< belittling, but I don't know how else to address him. There  are 5 boys in Neighbor Family, and I am  close friends with the youngest 2. There was a time when I was the same relational distance with both of them, but honestly over time I've hung out with Neighbor Boy more. As is foretold by him being the basis of Neighbor Family names. Anyway, LNB and I fought with pool noodle sections in the front yard for a while. We lost limbs, bled out, and made witty and invincible remarks just like the Tin Men from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I don't know why, but combat simulation has a certain allure to young boys, and given my extensive background in foam swordfighting, it was very fun. The weapons inflicted too little damage to effectively maim your opponent or even respond like a broadsword would, though. After many bouts of poolnoodlehood, I went inside and fetched Neighbor Boy with some difficulty. I almost got my neck broken in the door, but  it was avoidable. He came to my garage, I got a tarp to keep the rain off, and we started walking. It's a half mile or so to The Tree. The Tree is an oak? or something that grows in the middle of The Big Field. At one time there was a house in TBF, because around TT there are definite remainders of a house. A sink, lumber, and glass all reside in the small undergrowth that surrounds TT. There are a few smaller trees, shrubbery, and many blackberry plants around it. It's hollow on the inside, so there's a quite large space to hang out in. There are remnants of an old fort in the branches, but rot has gotten the best of it. TT stands alone in the middle of a 20+ acre grass field that is farmed. I'll see if I can find a picture so's to better explain. On our way to TT, I got the weather from an airfield southwest of us. Things didn't look good. There were many angry clouds. We arrived at the tree, but only stayed for a short time because standing under the only tree for 1/4 mile+ in every direction during a possible thunderstorm didn't seem too bright...  anyway, I said I'd keep tonight's update short, so I'm gonna cut it off here. I could address the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, also known as Pastafarianism, but I'll save that for another day. You know the drill, Trevor

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