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PASTOR, Today was Wednesday, April Fool's Day, as you know. On past April fool's days I have gone all-out on pranks and done things like put dye in the toilet tanks, turn off the water to sinks and toilets, turn off breakers in the garage, maybe turn off the hot water, remove lightbulbs, hang keys from our entryway chandelier, and one year I moved the car. I usually get up early to do these and other things. This year, I woke up at noon or past it and went downstairs, unaware of the day. My messed up sleep schedule due to Coronavirus has saved my family from a myriad of misdeeds this year. As I walked towards the kitchen, still with sleep in my head, I took no notice that the couches had been moved into strange positions in the living room. This was the doing of Sister. I took no notice because something like that isn't entirely out of place here at home lol. Anyway, as I came downstairs Mother informed me that she had made brownies. Pleased at the prospect of my mother's baking for breakfast, I loped into the kitchen with my eyes set on her brownie pan. Sister warned me, however, as to the nature of the confections. A quick glance in the pan affirmed her words. This is what my expectant, eager eyes saw:

Disappointed, I continued with my day. Oops I totally forgot! This is a more accurate description of my morning: I looked at the clock beside my bed. It was 12:30 pm. Realization struck deep. My science class videocall had started at noon. I hurried downstairs amidst a fleeting promise of brownies, got some oatmeal, and joined the call. It was wonderfully unproductive, as is the case with most school videocalls I'm sorry to say. The day progressed after class, the only thing of interest was what happened that evening. Mom mentioned that we were going somewhere after dinner, and after great efforts to guess our destination by clues, we still had no idea.

A small giveaway came when we took the wrong exit and Mom whispered to her phone to get directions. However, hearing that we were bound for a hospital failed to clear things up. The reveal was only when we arrived. As we pulled into the driveway we saw, on the left, white tents set up with staff in hazmat gear at attendance. A steady stream of cars went into and out of a parking garage on our right. We could see people waving, yelling, and holding encouraging signs on various levels of said garage. There were more people than I'd seen last week combined there. Some person on Facebook had had a genius, kind idea to have people park and encourage medical staff on a balcony across the lawn. It turned sour when it went viral. Apparently the whole population of the earth had nothing better to do and no other engagements so they showed up. There were more people in that parking garage than on the beaches in Florida, no kidding. Parking spots on the top floor became a rare, sought-after commodity. People were hollering, honking (with their cars, just gotta specify), and generally interacting a great deal. Social distancing was thrown out the proverbial wazoo. We stayed in our car with the windows up and recirculation on, until you and your wife, PASTOR, came up to say hi. We only saw one other family from church there, but mom steered clear. Heck, I could've just had underwear on waist down, we didn't even get out of the car. So if there is a blossom in the infection rate amongst well-intentioned Christians from Vancouver, this is why.

On the way home we stopped to upload a picture to bookFace. Youth Pastor had sent out an assignment to keep people busy, we needed to pick a Bible verse and act it out in a picture. I'll see if I can post mine, lemme check with Mom.

HWOOPS I guess not. The picture shows the front of our house, which is enough evidence for the Evil Squeaky Toys to find and maul me. Here's what it was, and the caption: I put a tent and camp chair on our roof, climbed up and sat down, had Sister stand at the bottom of the ladder with her fist raised, and mom photograph it. The verse was

Proverbs 21:9 New King James Version (NKJV)

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

The reason I chose NKJV was simple. Most of the other mainstream versions said wife. I did not need that kind of confusion.

Anyway, today was fairly uneventful overall. However, I did finish reading this book of original Sherlock Holmes stories. Usually at this hour I'd be deeply engrossed in a murder mystery, half expectant of some ripped white guy with cold blue eyes and a scimitar to peer through my shutters, swarm my room, and leave me in a kiddie pool of ketchup (gotta keep this G-rated). After I had lain for a few hours, our housemaid would discover me, shriek, and faint, drawing aid. After a few more hours a gaunt gentleman in a deerstalker hat, followed closely by a doctor with a limp, would deduce my actions, my "friend"'s actions and identity, and the way I fell asleep completely by the smell of a certain tobacco in the room. Within an hour, some gentleman dressed in black would tuck me into my sleeping bag and zip me up nicely for night-night. HOLY COW THAT GOT DARK Anyway, reading Sherlock Holmes has been a large factor in keeping me from posting regularly. A thousand apologies. I often write these very late at night, for reference. So yeah! That's what happened today. Except it's actually tomorrow night due to unforseen circumstances and me being occupied with a book. I think I may survive... AHH oopsie I forgot to mention that my bike is taken away until Friday. Very inconvenience. Very disappoint. Very sadness. But it's my fault for disappearing all the time without permission, so it is what I deserve. But more on that some other time. I again took too much vitamin c, and ate a 3 pound jar of applesauce with Sister (she weighs 60lb [that's Google it you lazybones in kilograms (about the weight of a small sheep for reference [honestly I have no freaking clue what a sheep weighs (think 20 3lb jugs of applesauce[that's better])])], so our equal split was harder on her stomach). All this to say I had acute and undeniable squirtspoo that evening. MOVING ON All things considered, it's been an okay day. Signing off for now, You know the drill, TREVOR Whoops that's how Sister pronounces it Trevor

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