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Trevor <email> Sat, Mar 14, 10:12 PM to pastor


This was the first day of many many many days but surprisingly it didn't suck tooooo bad It snowed but I was grounded So I didn't get out in it as much as I woulda liked Sister went and hung out with the next door neighbor for hours HUGE PRAISE We got to use the sauna HUGE PRAISE I played a flight simulator with my dad remotely I was here, he's in California but we both flew over Mount Saint Helens together very fun

I am in sound mind...for the time being. This is like how at the beginning of a movie you see a dilemma, the superhero comes out victorious amidst a large explosion, and life is good...for the time being. See then the actual plot starts and the hero tries to regain that victory for the rest of the movie, and unless there's an even larger plot line running, they eventually do. DO NOT BE DECEIVED see This is, perhapsly, the "calm before the storm" and since we're all part of a bigger plotline--------------- it is possible things may not turn out well at the end of these weeks. Father Time shall tell. Though, with all due respect, Catholics aren't always right. Maybe he's a monk. ??? Yeep. anyway Sorry, I'm tired tonight. Tomorrow's update will be much better written and more satirical In House,

You know the drill, Trevor

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